As a long time amateur musician, I have always been interested in modular synthesizers. I fondly remember playing around with the Moog when it was first released, but never had the funds to actually own one myself. These days, hardware and software synthesizers are everywhere you turn, but for the most part they are still pretty pricey. Recently I was inspired to once again look at what was available. Native Instruments Reaktor Blocks looked good, but was still a bit steep for my budget. Fortunately I discovered Audulus. While other software synths spend development time and energy on making a user interface that looks like a traditional modular synth, Audulus has captured the essential nature of the underlying principles. The interface is simple and elegant and has no unnecessary fluff to get in the way. Everything you need to build your own patches is included. All the basic components found in a typical modular synth are available and the performance is outstanding. I continue to be amazed at how smoothly the application runs even with extremely complex patches. Definitely the premier software modular synth for the Mac and iOS.
HammerDulcimer about Audulus 3, v3.2.2